As an artist, I find inspiration in the world around me and I'm constantly exploring different mediums to express my creativity. I believe that art has the power to connect people and elevate our collective consciousness. That's why I'm dedicated to exploring the boundaries of art and pushing the limits of what's possible.
Mommy, Will My Tears Float In Space - Digital Painting + Illustration - 2023
Graphic Design
Puerto Rico IS NOT For Sale - Digital Art Projection - University of Northern Colorado - 2022
Immersive Installation
One Pill At A Time - Immersive and Interactive Installation - Rocky Mountain College of Art + Design - 2022
The Emperor - Laser Wood Etching, Paint, Hand Gilded Frame + Resin Fill - BRDG Project - 2022
La Familia Taino - Pierce St. and W. Pierce Alameda (Sidewalk Mural) - ACBID - 2022
There is Beauty Everywhere - Digital Close-Up - 2020
Olagrro - Aluminum, Steel and Copper Wire Sculpture - 2021